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‘Hello’ to our dear friends, from your local Audiologists Claire, Emma, Sam, Toby, and our furry companion, Charlie. 

Have you ever found yourself hearing muffled words, ashamed to ask friends and family to repeat themselves? Do you complain that everyone seems to mumble nowadays?

This is, in fact, very common, especially as we grow older. Our hearing wears out at different rates and frequencies. Higher frequency sounds are usually the first to wear out and can be significantly different from low frequencies. This type of hearing loss means that we hear different aspects of speech in different ways. We hear vowel sounds well, but struggle with high frequency consonants such as ‘sss’, ‘sh’ and ‘kk’. 

Imagine talking to someone through a window opening. With good hearing, we would hear the person clearly. However, if the window were closed, the person would sound muffled and unclear but still able to be heard. This is a representation of what living with even a modest hearing loss is like. 

The great thing is that there is something you can do about it! If you or a loved one recognise the issues highlighted above, then please call today and take care of your hearing, starting with a hearing assessment.

We are here for you in North Somerset’s only full time and fully independent audiology and tinnitus treatment centre. Book a consultation with us today!