Hello from Mia, Claire, and Myself, Toby, at Meadows & Wood Hearing Care Specialists. We hope you are keeping well.
With the days now being shorter and evenings longer, we might be forgiven for looking back fondly to the long sunny days of summer. It turns out that spending time outdoors could have been benefiting you more than you realised.
Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient that helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. Recent studies have shown that vitamin D also plays a vital role in maintaining hearing health. According to one study, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with higher rates of sudden sensorineural hearing loss as well as higher rates of hearing loss. Another study showed that the odds of bilateral hearing loss were increased by 45% in older adults when compared to their peers with normal vitamin D levels.
The good news is that higher vitamin D intake can result in reduced odds of hearing loss. In fact, studies have shown that adults who ate oily fish twice a week (e.g. sardines, salmon) had a 42% lower chance of facing age-related hearing loss than non-fish eaters. Vitamin D plays a vital role in promoting good hearing health. It is essential to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D through proper diet or supplements to prevent hearing loss. So, make sure you get your daily dose of vitamin D to keep your ears healthy and happy!
If you, or a loved one, are struggling with hearing and would like to know how we can help, please get in touch to book a consultation. We are here for you at home or in North Somerset’s only full time and fully independent audiology clinic.